Tuesday, July 24, 2012

State Status

I agree with something Paul Burka wrote in this blog post a week ago.  The topic of the post was about a comment Obama made about Texas becoming a swing state.  In this post Burka mentioned that he could see this potentially coming true, but not until the year 2020.  His reasoning behind this is because of the large number of Hispanics who don’t go out and vote already.  I completely understand that this is a very large population that can make huge changes within government, yet none of them have come out to vote to be represented.  I do not have a clear understanding as to why there aren’t huge numbers of Hispanic voters either, but my guess is that they are complacent with how the government is run already.  Another factor could be that they are ill informed, or they do not have a vested interest in the candidates who are not of their ethnicity.
Burka’s audience is very broad reaching millions of Texans which could potentially push more people to vote or better yet speak up about their beliefs and influence a healthy debate with each other to support the candidate of their choice.  This could cause for Texas to become a swing state, but one thing is for sure- if there are more people talking about these issues and participating in the government, our system would become much healthier.  This would require both parties to really fight for their power and strength within our local systems which will ultimately give the people the presence they want to feel.

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